Grendel's Cave is a free on-line adventure game based on the mythical fantasy characters Beowulf and Grendel. It is Norse Mythology, Dark Age and Viking adventure based. Role-play in a medieval, RPG, browser-based game. No downloads required. Grendel's Cave accepts monthly subscriptions for some great perks to the game.
Grendel's Cave is currently running version 6.0 Retro. Please see the Notice page for information on this version.
Join a tribe and bring glory to you kin. Please see the Tribe Ranking page for current rank of Tribes.
I am developing a whole new Grendel's Cave 2D version of the game. It is a single-player, top-down 2D pixel art game that is heavily based on the
Classic version of Grendel's Cave. My biggest expense is graphis; each player character and monster costs around $125US. Each piece of gear, armor
and weapon costs around $20US.
How can you help keep Grendel's Cave alive? You can make a one-time donation by clicking on the Donate button below. There are some great premiums
for different levels of donation.
You can become a member of Grendel's Cave on Patreon. There are several membership levels to fit your budget and it is a great way to contribute
to Grendel's Cave monthly. Most levels give you great in-game premiums that more than cover the cost of the monthly contribution. So, if you are playing
Grendel's Cave anyway, and paying a monthly subscription or for lives, then a membership could be a good choice for you. You can become a Patreon member
by clicking on the Membership button below.