Toggle Magic
Toggle Status magic are abilities that allow you to toggle one of your thane's statuses. The following are the main Toggle Status magic abilities.
Ability | Description of What it Does |
Invisibility | Become invisible or visible at will |
Flying | Become aloft or grounded at will |
Immolate | Become flaming or extinguished at will |
Toggle magic abilities are either on, invisible, flying, flaming, or off, visible, grounded, extinguished. You use the Cast Spell select field to cast the spell and change your toggle status. For example, if you have the Invisibility ability you would become invisible by selecting Become Invisible from the Cast Spell select field and click on yourself. When the page reloads, you will see the text Invisible underneath your thane icon to indicate that you are invisible. In this state, only thanes and monsters that have the Detect Invisible magic ability would be able to see and interact with you.